10th International Hardwood Conference
Vienna 2024, 7th–8th November

Live translation of the conference into French and German will be provided| Traduction de la conférence en français et allemand en direct| Simultanübersetzung in Deutsch und Französisch
© WienTourismus/Christian Stemper

Live translation of the conference into French and German will be provided| Traduction de la conférence en français et allemand en direct| Simultanübersetzung in Deutsch und Französisch
© WienTourismus/Christian Stemper

Live translation of the conference into French and German will be provided| Traduction de la conférence en français et allemand en direct| Simultanübersetzung in Deutsch und Französisch
© WienTourismus/Christian Stemper

Maria Kiefer-Polz,
EOS Vice-President Hardwood

Ad Wesselink,
President of the ETTF
and Chairman of the Board at the Dutch Timber Federation VVNH

Maria Kiefer-Polz,
EOS Vice-President Hardwood

Ad Wesselink,
President of the ETTF
The Association of the Austrian Wood Industries (Fachverband der Holzindustrie Österreichs), together with the European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS) and the European Timber Trade Federation (ETTF), are inviting you to the marvellous city of Vienna for the International Hardwood Conference 2024.

What to expect
Click here to find the CONFERENCE PROGRAM
One of the most INFLUENTIAL events in the hardwood world
Get in TOUCH with Stakeholders
Get INSIGHTS into the Hardwood Market
Discuss Hardwood timber Market TRENDS
Book your room for a special reduced IHC 2024 rate at the Conference Venue
Take part in Social Activities in the beautiful City of VIENNA
Live translation of the conference into French and German will be provided | Traduction de la conférence en français et allemand en direct | Simultanübersetzung in Deutsch und Französisch
Interested in becoming a sponsor?
Registration for journalists / media inquiries:
Please contact Mr Norman Schirmer, MA
+43 1 712 26 01 21
Conference location